De Refter: Beijing’s Brand-New Belgian Beer Bar

de refter belgian beer bar sanlitun south beijing china

A heads up that Belgian beer bar De Refter has opened in Sanlitun South, across from The Rug, around the corner from Nanjie, and in the same building as Home Plate but on the opposite side.

A patron known as FoTS* says De Refter is a “nice cosy bar with a traditional Belgian feel”. He adds there are a half-dozen beer taps, though only two are operating at the moment, and a good selection of bottled brews. There is room for about 15 people downstairs, and the same amount upstairs, which fits the basic floor plan of the previous tenant Q’er. FoTS also said there is a kitchen though he didn’t check the food menu. “Hopefully there are lots of cheeses,” he said. He would say that.

Word is this bar is backed by beer distributor Vandergeeten . Whatever the case, it is one of numerous places in the Sanlitun-Workers Stadium corridor with a solid selection of Belgian beers. Others include Beer Mania, The Hidden Tree, Morel’s, The Local and Trouble Bar.

* Fan of Tom Selleck

de refter belgian beer bar sanlitun south beijing china (2)

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