Hockey fans can catch some live action this weekend at the fourth annual Beijing Pond Hockey Tournament. Previously held at Houhai and Lido, this event gets all center stage and stuff this year by moving close to the Bird’s Nest. Beauty, eh? And given that location, expect plenty of chirping*. (Birds. Chirps. Get it?)
The 18-team tournament kicks off Friday night and goes all day Saturday — see the schedule below — before wrapping up with a buffet dinner at Upper Duck and an after-party at The Hockey Bar. Some former Montreal Canadien players will also be there around noon on Saturday. (Speaking of which, check out this impression of Don Cherry by P.K. Subban.)
* Ten of the more polite chirps:
“Hey goalie, I’ve seen coupons that save more than you.”
“Nice dive. Where’s your Speedo?”
“Hey ref, you must be pregnant ’cause you’ve missed two periods!”
“I’ve seen better hands on a digital clock.”
“Hey number 8, somebody spelled ‘Asshole’ wrong on the back of your jersey.”
“I piss harder than you shoot.”
“I’ve heard better chirps from a dead bird.”
“Hey ref, check your phone, you missed that last call.”
“Hey buddy, your scoring is like my birthday. It only happens once a year.”
“You hit me from behind, Sid.” “C’mon. I did not. I don’t even hit anybody. I haven’t hit anybody this year.” “You wouldn’t like it if I pushed you like that.” “Probably not, but you do it all night anyway.” OK, maybe those last few aren’t so good. You can watch them for yourself here.
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