Paddy O’11 | Tonight’s birthday bash at Paddy O’Shea’s

By Jim Boyce | Paddy O’Shea’s celebrates its eleventh birthday tonight! Stop by for beer, cake, shenanigans and more. And check out this Q&A I did with Paul Rochon, part of the team behind Paddy’s success.

1 You guys sponsor a dozen sports teams. Who has the longest run? Who is the newest?

Good question. First, all our teams are drinking clubs with a sports problem! (Thanks to the Hash for the motto.) I guess the Celtic Football Club is the oldest and I don’t really know who would welcome them except for Paddy’s. They have the party spirit!

The youngest are Natooke, the bike polo team, and Beijing Dragons, the women’s volleyball team. They all play very different sports but have the same objective of a good drink after the game.

2 If you could pick one athlete to show up at tonight’s party, who would it be?

[Irish rugby player] Jonathan Sexton, so he could talk about the Irish team and stop over in Beijing for the next Rugby World Cup in Japan.

3 Who’s idea was it to start Just Dance on Fridays? What is your highest score?

My brother-in-law is a game designer who opened an esports bar in Bordeaux, France. This dancing game was a revelation for me. As soon as I drink, I want to dance, and nothing is more fun on a Friday night!

We have some hardcore gamers, too. They practice at home and come to beat the high score. I’m too far behind them.

4 You have nearly 40 ciders. For a first-time cider drinker, what would you recommend?

I would recommend coming on a Thursday night to enjoy the all-night cider happy hour and try all of them, one by one. You can finish in about a month. Or you can join our cider tasting group.

5 And you also have Irish poutine!? Explain yourself!

In 2013, I got the Canadian embassy lads to give a Beliveau hockey jersey to Paddy’s. I had to thank them with something more than a shot of Crown Royal.

6 You guys went to Ireland for the Irish Hospitality Global Awards, and won for Best Community Pub. What are your best memories?

The recognition from our peers. Even after visiting that huge old pub in Galway, we were still wondering how managed to win this award.

7 Guinness or Kilkenny?

I would have say black and tan but there is no more Kilkenny in China!

8 What’s the biggest change at Paddy O’Shea’s since you started?

It’s a little bit of everything. We are constantly evolving and always reinvest. In 2013, we had four beer taps, now we have 13, including two for cider. And next year, we will have 16 draft beers. We also went from five screens to 14 screens.

9. How crazy does Irish Crazy Hour get?

Crazy! Think about it: every weekday, from 5 PM to 6 PM, you have buy one, get one free on any Irish drink. Friday is getting especially busy for Guinness and Magners. It’s also a good way to try some of our 20 Irish whiskeys.

10. Which of these is most likely to become a regular Paddy’s event?

  • Paddy O’Shoes: Once a month, patrons get drunk, find someone with the same foot size and trade shoes.
  • Vladdy O’Shea’s: Jameson is switched for Smirnoff, borscht for stew, and Irish poutine for Russian P(o)utin(e). Plus, nonstop tATu tunes all night.
  • Paddy O’Haze. When the AQI tops 444—a tribute to four-leaf clovers—”crazy Irish hour” lasts an extra hour. Plus, free Zhongnanhai 0.8s.
  • Paddy O’Shares: Hugs, hugs and more hugs. Also, can you hug a hug? Paddy’s will show you how!

I think the shoes and share we already do. And I like the Vladdy idea! But it’s more likely to be Paddy O’Haze, it’s more Irish-themed.

11 What can party-goers expect at Paddy’s tonight?

110 liters of free beer, a huge cake, a crazy Just Dance night, and all that sort of Paddy’s fun.

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