If you participate in weixin group The Enchanted Tiki Room, you have been flooded with messages that Bungalow has added a 79-kuai meter-long inflatable shark to its decor. This move doesn’t come without risks: management notes that a ukulele, a totem pole, two glass octopuses, two glass starfish, and several Jet Pilot mugs have been stolen over the past few months, although sneaking out something as big as that shark would seem much more difficult (Other items, including a ceramic wall-mounted parrot, were accidentally broken by possibly drunk members of said management but that’s another story.)
As for the shark, the name is Higgins and is inspired by the uptight British character Jonathan Higgins who served as the foil to carefree American private investigator Thomas Magnum in the eighties Hawaii-based series Magnum P.I. (He was referred to as “Higgy Baby” at times.) Also of note, management has since further upped its water creature-themed decor game by buying a mackerel-shaped pillow during yesterday’s Pop-Up Beijing birthday sale. Unfortunately, I only have a photo of a shrimp pillow–works well as a neck support!–but imagine it as a fish and you get the idea.
I have spent an unwise amount of time and money at Bungalow over the past six months, drawn by the quality drinks, well-organized menu and friendly atmosphere. I suspect that with warmer weather, not to mention the attraction of an inflatable shark, this place will attract far bigger crowds and the drinks will take far longer to procure, thus I will have to carefully choose when to visit, say, when it’s raining. Anyway, if you are out and about tonight, drinks that start with “m”, from margaritas to martinis to Manhattans, are rmb40 at Bungalow. (Also, with Higgins on board, there should also be a Wednesday “fin day” special or a Sunday Finday or Friday Finday one, no?)
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