Paddy O’Shí’s: 10 promos as Beijing’s top sports bar marks 10 years!

paddy o'shea's sports bar beijing 10th anniversary 2017

By Joyce Bim | Our event research team has dedicated hundreds if not thousands of hours analyzing promotion ideas for Beijing’s best sports bar, Paddy O’Shea’s. Because that venerable venue will mark its 10th anniversary on Friday, we have reduced our master list of 800 ideas to a “top 10” that we offer free of charge to Paul Rochon and crew.

We do realize that Paddy O’Shea’s already supports eight clubs, simultaneously show as many as a dozen-plus sports, has a top-notch staff, and draws a crowd that mirrors the United Nations. That it has a worthy beer list, an even nicer cider one, a regular slate of fun events, and specials like the weekday “crazy hour” with Irish booze at buy one, get one free prices from 5 PM to 6 PM. And that it runs a funky fantasy football league.

Thus, the following ideas are only meant to make Paddy O’Shea’s even better and ensure it lasts not just another decade but into the next century.

Paddy O’Haze

When you can’t tell where the air ends and your Guinness begins, it’s time for half-price beer! Each customer gets a free pollution mask with straw attachment when the AQI tops 5,000 parts per million. Getting lung cancer has never been so much fun!

Paddy O’Shoes

You’re a size nine and so is the inebriated customer beside you at the bar. Trade shoes! Swap two for two or go wild and mix / match for fashion effect. This is a sweet time to abandon those funky sneakers that have been stinking up your closet / apartment / entire neighborhood.

Vladdy O’Shea’s

What could be better than an Irish bar run by a French manager in a Chinese city celebrating Russia’s president!? For one night per month, Smirnoff replaces Jameson, borscht takes over from Irish stew, and that house poutine becomes P(o)utin(e).

Paddy Duvets

Bring your comforter, blanket, mián bèi, fitted sheets et al for a sports bar sleepover that features snuggling, tucking, cocooning and even fort-making. Said bedding can also double as an absorber of both spilled drinks and ejected stomach fluids. There’s nothing like a Paddy’s pajama party!

Paddy O’Praise

Sunday often means a conflict between deity and drink. Conflict solved! Paddy O’Shea’s morning service features Jameson as the consecration wine. Attendees then settle in for a day of turning wine (and whiskey and beer and whatever) into water. Note: The little-known but highly relevant 11th Commandment is to wash your hands after using the loo.

Paddy O’Mayonnaise

We’ve all tried the pickleback: a shot of Jameson followed by one of pickle juice. So. Last. Decade. Paddy O’Shea’s takes things up a notch, and adds an Irish twist, with the mayoback: a shot of creamy Bailey’s followed by an even creamier one of mayonnaise made on site with farm fresh eggs jetted daily from Dublin to Beijing. Yo mayo?

Paddy O’Swayze: Celebrate the acting career of Patrick Swayze, including his films Red Dawn, Ghost, Road House and, especially, Dirty Dancing. Because nobody puts Paddy in a corner!

Paddy O’Clay’s

Few things are as relaxing or rewarding as making pottery. This quarterly event will teach customers to handcraft their own artisanal drinking vessels. For a small fee, they can secure a place for their elegant drinking mugs behind the bar for use on their nightly visits.

Paddy O’Horseplay: Join this event for all manner of pranks, including, but not necessarily limited to, wet willies, atomic wedgies, purple nurples, noogies, pink bellies and towel snaps. The evening will also feature two rounds of hide ‘n’ seek as well as a game of “kick the can”. Note: All participants must sign a disclaimer.

Paddy O’Strays

Know a dog that needs a home? Bring it by for the Paddy O’Strays night. Includes a tiny bowl of stew to raise your best friend’s spirits. [This idea, or some version of it, might actually be worth trying.]

That, of course, still leaves 790 ideas on our master list, including Paddy O’Shades, Daddy O’Shea’s, Paddy O’Filets, Caddy O’Shea’s and many more. In any case, congratulations to the Paddy O’Shea’s for delivering a consistently good sports experience to its many fans!

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